Maintenance Coordination

Maintenance Coordination

Maintenance coordination includes the set-up of a fully integrated maintenance system that records work orders, processes work orders, generated purchase orders for vendors and sends work orders to person/company for completion. We will monitor work orders processed and follow-up with members on any required charge-backs. Your coop will be provided with an annual maintenance calendar, and we will review your co-op's maintenance policy and make recommendation to the Board of Directors if needed. Maintenance coordination includes the creation and recording of replacement reserve expenditures, preferred trades list, and preventative maintenance calendar. We will arrange for move-out and move-in inspections as per co-op policy. We will create a program to monitor all warranties on project work for the duration of the warranty and coordinate approval of work as required with the Agency for Cooperative Housing Relationship Manager, as well as assist you with the development of your Asset Management Plan. Maintenance coordination, also includes financial reports on: Work Orders Requested, Work Orders Status, Member Charge-back Invoices report, Purchase Orders report, Repairs & Maintenance Expenses report, and Transactions list by Vendor.